Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The County Fair

The grandkids look forward to the county fair each year with all the giddy anticipation one can imagine. I love its wholesome delights...rides, cotton candy, prize homegrown vegetables, 4-H clubs showing off their animals. First priority for them is the rides.


Then we watched the acrobats on horseback.

We admired the tidy displays of produce and made the acquaintance of a friendly goat. favorite time at the fair is when the sun is setting and all the lights are coming on. Isn't it just magical though? So festive!


  1. Can't beat the county fair! My favorite part was always the rodeo...that and the annual funnel cake allowed by my junk food-averse mother ;) .


The County Fair

The grandkids look forward to the county fair each year with all the giddy anticipation one can imagine. I love its wholesome delights...rides, cotton candy, prize homegrown vegetables, 4-H clubs showing off their animals. First priority for them is the rides.


Then we watched the acrobats on horseback.

We admired the tidy displays of produce and made the acquaintance of a friendly goat. favorite time at the fair is when the sun is setting and all the lights are coming on. Isn't it just magical though? So festive!


  1. Can't beat the county fair! My favorite part was always the rodeo...that and the annual funnel cake allowed by my junk food-averse mother ;) .


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