Having long anticipated a trip to North Carolina for a friend's wedding, we decided to forge ahead with our plans. Heeding doctor’s advice for Technohubby to get out and walk a bit every 1-2 hours to prevent blood clots, it took us a bit longer than it might have otherwise. But we’re really glad we went!
We left New England with 15″ of snow on the ground, but by the time we got to Connecticut, we had left any snow coverage behind. Just the four of us and the Rubber Chicken about to cross that bridge in the distance, the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River just outside New York City.
It was just a day’s drive to friends’ home in northern Virginia, where we enjoyed their gracious hospitality as overnight guests. It was such a blessing to reunite with old and dear friends! Great conversation! A game of Stratego between the boys. Comfortable beds. Good food! It was a short, but wonderful visit!
The wedding was in North Carolina.
Pretty stained glass windows in the church.
And they were pronounced husband and wife!
There had been thunder and lightning the night before in Virginia. But all were grateful for just a slight sprinkling of showers the day of the wedding. Remember that green brocade and silk I purchased in New York City in January? Well…there it is in its finished form.
The reception was held at this historic inn. So pretty!
There was great rejoicing! Dancing! A harpist! And delicious food!
The next day, after a breakfast open house at the bride and groom’s home, we bid farewell to our friends and went off exploring. We headed for North Carolina’s Outer Banks. There we discovered the Wilbur and Orville Wright National Monument, which consists of a small museum (building to the right), recreations of the Wright Brothers cabins where they lived while conducting their experiments in flight (two wooden buildings to the left)…
…and at the top of the hill from which they launched the first flight, this monument to their accomplishement.
It was a great trip!