Monday, October 29, 2018

All the Seasons on my Plate

While at the grocery store recently with Colette, I stopped and stared at one wall of the store. "Look at that," I said to her. And I pointed out that on this one wall were: canning supplies from summer, Halloween candy for autumn, and Christmas candy for winter. "Three seasons on one wall!" I exclaimed. And life is feeling a bit like that around here lately. Is it at your house? It always feels like that at this time of year to me. Just a look at the calendar this week, and it echoes that wall of the grocery store. Here's what's happening (or needs to happen) on my to-do list this week:

- meet Felicity and the kids at a local farm and see the jumbo pumpkins and pick apples

- start physical therapy on my knee due to an injury that occurred in the summer (which I have been enduring/ignoring)

- launch Wonderful Life Farm's Christmas stocking collection! (coming Thursday!)

- deadhead perennials and put flower beds to bed for the winter

- plant daffodil bulbs for blooming next spring

- spearhead Halloween festivities for our local historical society

- make Christmas gifts for the grandkids (They are all getting pajamas/nightgowns and a heat sack this year. And yes, it's early, but I am determined not to spend late nights sewing away during the Christmas season all alone in my sewing room, when I could be downstairs with the family and cozy.)

What's on your to-do list this week? Is it a big mix of the seasons too?

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All the Seasons on my Plate

While at the grocery store recently with Colette, I stopped and stared at one wall of the store. "Look at that," I said to her. And I pointed out that on this one wall were: canning supplies from summer, Halloween candy for autumn, and Christmas candy for winter. "Three seasons on one wall!" I exclaimed. And life is feeling a bit like that around here lately. Is it at your house? It always feels like that at this time of year to me. Just a look at the calendar this week, and it echoes that wall of the grocery store. Here's what's happening (or needs to happen) on my to-do list this week:

- meet Felicity and the kids at a local farm and see the jumbo pumpkins and pick apples

- start physical therapy on my knee due to an injury that occurred in the summer (which I have been enduring/ignoring)

- launch Wonderful Life Farm's Christmas stocking collection! (coming Thursday!)

- deadhead perennials and put flower beds to bed for the winter

- plant daffodil bulbs for blooming next spring

- spearhead Halloween festivities for our local historical society

- make Christmas gifts for the grandkids (They are all getting pajamas/nightgowns and a heat sack this year. And yes, it's early, but I am determined not to spend late nights sewing away during the Christmas season all alone in my sewing room, when I could be downstairs with the family and cozy.)

What's on your to-do list this week? Is it a big mix of the seasons too?

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